Sirtaj Brar
Director, The Data Economics Company
Data as an Agricultural Product
If you, as a consumer, have a preference for buying food with an “organic” label, you’ve already accepted that data is an agricultural product; the data on that label conveys a higher value than a “conventional” counterpart. What happens when we connect small farmers directly to such consumer transactions, allowing them to contribute the data that helps consumers make determinations regarding the quality, value, and impact of the fruits, fibers, grains, or other goods that they grow? What if a consumer could pick up an apple and know which farm it came from? This is the future of data as an agricultural product.
Prologue: A Primer on Data Economics
A brief introduction to the science of Data Economics, the motivations behind the discipline, and the Lydion DEOS software engine that brings Data Economies to life through Lydion DENETs (Data Economics Networks). Also serves as a prologue to the Introduction to Data Economics series of papers.