Arka Ray
Managing Director, The Data Economics Company
How Miraculum Started
If it’s unclear why crypto-based blockchains are challenging for the health care sector to adopt, or the scientific and economic reasons that many ICOs and tokens have failed when it comes to health data applications, take a deeper dive into why the team that built Lydion built a specific platform for health care applications.
Hope, Longing, & Loss In The World Of Warcraft
These new heroes would live forever in the post-launch Azeroth, eventually becoming binary representations of the hopes and dreams of 13 million mortal human beings.
Tales From the Ether - Part 1
The stories that form the building blocks of our lives are not constructed by a single storyteller, but emerge spontaneously through the combination of countless inputs from the physical and digital world.
Could a platform that builds reality-defining stories be successfully imitated by technology? Popularium co-founder Arka Ray formulates the creation of a platform for stories that pass the Turing Test.
How Data Economics Networks (DENETs) Invert the Traditional Economic Loop
In a traditional economic system, third parties generate demand for currencies by requiring their use for various economic “loops”—such as paying taxes or receiving wages. Data economic systems invert those loops, allowing individuals or organizations that perform work and create value to also generate tokens of value useful within the system.
Data as an Agricultural Product
If you, as a consumer, have a preference for buying food with an “organic” label, you’ve already accepted that data is an agricultural product; the data on that label conveys a higher value than a “conventional” counterpart. What happens when we connect small farmers directly to such consumer transactions, allowing them to contribute the data that helps consumers make determinations regarding the quality, value, and impact of the fruits, fibers, grains, or other goods that they grow? What if a consumer could pick up an apple and know which farm it came from? This is the future of data as an agricultural product.
Prologue: A Primer on Data Economics
A brief introduction to the science of Data Economics, the motivations behind the discipline, and the Lydion DEOS software engine that brings Data Economies to life through Lydion DENETs (Data Economics Networks). Also serves as a prologue to the Introduction to Data Economics series of papers.
Introduction To Data Economics - Chapter 5: Introducing the Lydion DEOS and its Functions
Chapter 5 introduces the Lydion DEOS as an implementation of a Data Economics Operating System (DEOS) implementing the Data Economic concepts outlined in Chapters 1 to 4, and outlines the functions and methodology of the Lydion DEOS in implementing Data Economic Frames through Lydion DAMs (Data Asset Markets) and the Lydion DENETs (Data Economic Networks) that connect them.
Introduction To Data Economics - Chapter 4: Deeper Dive into Fundamental Concepts
Chapter 4 of Introduction to Data Economics dives deeper into the Fundamental Concepts introduced in Chapter 2 and explores such topics as Data Economic Frames, Data Asset Markets (DAMs) and their components, Data Economic Networks (DENETs).
Introduction To Data Economics - Chapter 3: Types and Examples of Data Economies
In Chapter 3 of the Introduction to Data Economics series, we explore the “Mixed” and “Pure” Data Economies along with real-world examples for each type that help build intuitive understanding of Data Economic Frames and other key concepts.
Introduction To Data Economics - Chapter 2: Fundamental Concepts
In “Chapter 2: Fundamental Concepts”, we outline and summarize the fundamental concepts driving Data Economics and the Lydion DEOS as a starting point for further exploration of Data Economics and Lydion technology, as other more advanced papers will often refer back to concepts first introduced in this paper.
Introduction To Data Economics - Chapter 1: On Value, Outcomes, And Data
This chapter begins the Introduction to Data Economics series and explores the roots of Data Economics: the growing need for the expansion of the language of expressing and communicating value to address the “big” challenges and opportunities we face, and by extension the need to expand the frameworks offered by the field of economics.