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Timote Georges

Co-Founder, Smallholder Farmers Alliance
About the Author

Timote Georges is Co-Founder of the Smallholder Farmers Alliance (SFA), a Haitian non-profit using a new agroforestry model that links improved agriculture with tree planting. Farmers plant trees to earn credits that they exchange for seed, tools, training and other agricultural services. The SFA, in partnership with Timberland, has reintroduced cotton to Haiti and is now working towards producing regenerative cotton. Timote, along with his co-founder Hugh Locke, was featured in the documentary Kombit: The Cooperative. Timote studied Natural Resources and Peace at the United Nations-mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica, where he also helped local coffee producers and worked with a group exploring carbon sequestration in the country. In Haiti, Timote was part of a rural literacy campaign that included basic business training.